NES-C White Wine 750ml
Developed using the finest grapes and time-honored winemaking techniques, our exquisite line of alcohol-free offerings delivers a sophisticated and refined drinking experience, free from the effects of alcohol. Savor the rich, complex flavors and satisfying mouthfeel of our velvety smooth red wines, crisp and refreshing whites, and elegant effervescent sparkling varieties – each one crafted to perfection to pair perfectly with your favorite meals, enjoy on their own, or incorporate into unique cocktails for a sophisticated twist. Expand your horizons and explore the world of elevated, alcohol-free indulgence with NEC-C’s Non-Alcoholic Wines, and raise a glass to the joy of exceptional taste and quality without compromise
Celine Debo (verified owner) –
Very fast delivery.
Odette Bafang (verified owner) –
Very well worth the money.
Gérard Kana (verified owner) –
Good quality.
Olivier Mbappé (verified owner) –
Very well worth the money.